128元/张128 RMB/Visitor
Address: 17 Floor, Yinyi Bingjiang Center, No. 55-56, Lane 21, Pu San Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, P. R. China. (Turn Right at He Yi Hotel)
开馆时间:Opening Time:
周二至周六 10:00-16:30,周一、周日闭馆。OPEN Tuesday - Saturday 10:00-16:30,
CLOSED Sunday & Monday
1. 为了不妨碍、影响他人参观及展品安全,请勿在馆内拍照;No photography.
2. 为了您和他人的健康,请勿在馆内吸烟、乱扔垃圾、随地吐痰;Smoking, littering and spitting is strictly forbidden inside the exhibition hall.
3. 请勿携带宠物进馆参观。No pets.
1. 70岁以上(含70岁)老年人凭有效证件,免费参观。Free admission for seniors 70 years old and older with valid certificate or proof of age (passport, ID, etc.)
2. 身高1.2米以下儿童随监护人参观,门票半价优惠。50% discount on concessions for children under 1.2 meters in height.
3. 残疾人凭残疾人证件,免费参观。Free admission for disabled visitors with personal disability certificate.
4. 随团导游凭本人导游证,免费参观。Free admission for accompanying guides with personal tourist certificate.