    BLUE AND WHITE MEIPING VASE WITH INTERLOCKING FLOWERS (Exhibited at the the BRICS Conference in 2017 in Xiamen)
    高 Height : 42.5 cm
    口 Caliber : 7.5 cm
    底 Bottom Diameter : 15 cm
    唇口,短颈,丰肩,圆鼓腹,瘦颈,圈足,通体施白釉,釉色盈润,胎质细腻,底露胎,外壁以青花绘纹饰,肩部和足部饰上覆下仰莲瓣纹各一周。主题纹饰为青花缠枝莲纹,卷曲连绵,花枝婉约华贵。整器器形端庄秀美,釉汁厚润泛青,青花发色沉着。圈足打磨光滑,抚之细腻。肩部横向从右向左青花书“大明宣德年制”六字楷书。 拓展知识点: 相似款明宣德青花缠枝花卉纹梅瓶 现藏于北京故宫博物院。 明宣德时期50厘米以上的琢器传世较少,此件梅瓶形体高大,端庄规整,纹饰精美,堪称明宣德时期大件器物中之美品,体现了宣德时期高度的制瓷技艺。
    Xuande’s Blue and White is a milestone in the history of the porcelain. Interlocking branch pattern is one of the Chinese traditional patterns, also called as” flower scrolls”, “longevity rattan”, with the auspicious meaning of forever green and incessancy. During Xuande Period, Zheng He went to the West for the seventh time and it was also the period of China’s closest connection with western countries through the Maritime Silk Road.